Meet the Expert: Selianthe Ka, Yogini & Healer

Selianthe Ka Yogini Healer Berlin

Selianthe Ka is a Berlin based Yogini and Healer among others she supports people with calming down the nervous system, deepen self-discovery or helps to understand spiritual experiences. She tells in our conversation about her journey, which started in the fashion industry and how she became a healer. 

Could you tell us about your background and how you came to modern spirituality?

One of the first steps in a person’s spiritual process is said to be when you take responsibility for your life and actions, and with this you move out of the victim paradigm. On a higher level you make a choice to be willing to see yourself and the world without any filters.

You surrender and stop resisting what life shows you and you start to realize that life gives you what you resonate on (unwillingly and unknowingly) and you have no other choice but to surrender to your self discovery, liberation and soul growth. You stop judging as you realize this is a trap, and instead of saying ‘this is good, this is bad’ you see it ‘just is’. Everything is just an experience.

For me this was in big contrast with where I came from, which is the world of luxury fashion – as judgy and material as it gets! My first big leap of spiritual growth came by visiting a Dutch healer in 2010. Something told me I had to go and see her, so I took a sick day and snuck out of the city. I thought I came to her for boy trouble, however I ended up receiving deep, beautiful, energetic healing and clearing, and she also told me I would ‘wake up’. I thought this sounded very complicated and was not up for this at all!

In my 20s my motto was ‘work hard, party hard’, and I was traveling back and forth from Amsterdam to Paris, surrounded by the most brilliant creatives. I thought all this spiritual waking up was scary and I didn’t want to take responsibility. However, in the end you have no choice and it’s indeed the good old ‘let go or be dragged’.

Next to that, I’ve always seen beyond the veil since I was a child, however this healing experience gave me clarity on how to handle my gifts plus made me realize I wasn’t alone (and completely mad ;-).

Being intuitive and an empath I also had to develop and learn protective techniques to deal with the spiritual dimensions, and accept I have always perceived the spiritual realms and this is something very real, even when no one else around you seems to be able to see the same which can be very lonely and disheartening (next to being a highly sensitive person / empath, I’m clairsentient, clairvoyant, clairaudient and claircognizant plus a medium).

My view on reality had to shift. Before I was in denial, which didn’t work out for me very well. Out of self preservation I started to research tools and techniques to calm, clear and protect myself, sometimes even finding solutions in dreams and visions. I wish I would’ve learned this as part of being in high school! It would’ve saved much needless fear and confusion. I also have many experiences with angels and ascended masters. Many initiations happened ‘directly over spirit’, meaning I had no physical teacher who passed on insights. I can perceive every pantheon and saint that’s known to us. While we can deny the spiritual realms, they definitely don’t deny us. 

Modern spirituality to me is a form of integrated spirituality, of being connected to your soul-self and having a spiritual practice, while leading a normal life.

It’s nothing you have to make an identity out of or wear as a badge, with a particular outfit or symbols. This is again all ego. I wish this as a normal way of living in our future. I feel the biggest source of issues is that people are disconnected from their spiritual selves. They don’t remember their soul’s intentions and don’t realize the impact of their actions, which can carry over dimensions and lifetimes. We forgot all this and don’t realize we have a choice, a choice in consciousness. 

How would you explain the basic principles of your work to someone who has never heard of it before?

With my type of healing you go straight to the core of your being, and with that to your challenges, thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviors. I learned to direct energy over the mind and click into the higher dimensions or ‘the higher astral planes’.

Selianthe Ka Energy YogaThis light from the higher dimensions I can bring down to the earthly realm (3D). It translates to a healing energy that brings a feeling of peace, feeling safe, loved and taken care of. It’s known as the ‘supramental light’*, the light of transformation. Many clients describe it as being unfolded by a warm blanket or healing cocoon. The love and compassion from the higher realms is something that’s hard to find with humans usually. The highest light is the Paramatman Light which the avatars bring down.

By clearing my own energetic body over the course of years, by visiting healers, avatars, self-inquiry, bhakti yoga, karma yoga, qigong and studying, I learned to connect with the higher dimensions and guides of the Light, which is something you earn. I believe everyone can do this if they’re willing. Most people usually only perceive the lower astral realms (which hold the lower entities, thoughtforms, earthbound spirits and demons) as they resonate on that. I can also blend with your energetic body and sense and remove blocks, as well as read the Akashic records (although I’m not very interested in doing the latter). I can also upgrade the energetic body of a person so they can hold a higher expression of their consciousness. 

Since I can see spirits I can also connect to ancestors and guides of people on the other side. Because I hold a lot of light the veil is thin around me and spirits of the light can easily materialize. Plus emotional blocks come up for clearing. The light is like a flashlight shining on what was hidden, suppressed or hiding. This is now also happening with the world in general and so much is coming up for healing.

Many people have spiritual experiences around me. It’s especially interesting when they normally don’t believe in ‘this type of stuff´. The amount of healing is tailored to each person, plus is created by the purity of their intention. The purity of their intention draws forward the Light and gives the amount of healing and transformation they need. It will never be destabilizing or damaging. This love and surrender to the divine is also known as Bhakti Yoga. 

*“The physical eyes are not made to see the supramental light, that is why they cannot see it. But that human being whose inner senses are awakened, can see the supramental light when he wants to – it never hides itself.”[1]

– En Route (On the Path): The Mother’s Correspondence with Shyam Sundar, p.105

(Mother to Mona Sarkar) “With the Supramental begins the higher world or the world of knowledge, that means the world of true Knowledge. Now that I have opened the door that was closed, the door of the Supramental world, from where flows the golden Light, and that the New Consciousness begins to enter the terrestrial atmosphere to change this world which is dominated by ignorance, into something more true, more durable and permanent, the human elements with their pettinesses, their contradictions, revolts and maledictions will be replaced gradually by the Divine Love, by the Light of Truth which will penetrate the human consciousness to transform man’s life, and the knowledge that is not distorted will be his guide to assure his victory.”[6]

–  Mona Sarkar, Throb of Nature: Conversations with the Mother on Flowers and Nature, p.92

What health and emotional benefits can your work offer?

At the core, everything is energy. Your soul and consciousness are energy, and also emotions are energy. When emotions get stuck, they’re held in the body until they can get opened up and released. You can go ‘bottom up’ or ‘top down’ with this, so my healing would be top down.

As an example: I cannot unbreak a broken leg, however I can clear the block in your consciousness that prevents you from finding the doctor who can do so to re-establish vibrant health. The mind forgets but the body remembers and your energetic body holds everything – past lives, childhood stuff, ancestral patterns, karmic attachments, energetic cords between you and other people / places etc.

By opening up the energetic body and directing healing light, blocked emotions and energies can be released, and your life force energy can flow again. Your thoughts, decisions and behavior will change. You’ll feel refreshed, balanced and ready for life again.

After one hour of healing I’ve seen people quit toxic relationships & jobs, move countries, get tattoos and get over deep emotional scars and childhood traumas. This is the grace of the Light and the willingness of the person to let go. 

What is a typical session like and what can one expect?

After listening to your input, questions and needs I will bring you in a deep state of stillness and quiet awareness through guided meditation. I will form an energetic healing space around you that will help you deeply relax. Some people fall asleep or go into a state known as ‚Yoga Nidra‘.

selianthe-ka-energy-yogaThe meditative state I bring you in is closely connected to your ’soul‘ or ‚higher self‘ and the higher dimensions of the spiritual realms. From this place it is easy to see everything clearly and let go of any suffering you wish to release. Everything happens in love and ease. You gain insights and a deep feeling of peace and compassion for all that is. The amount of healing is up to you, I am only there to facilitate.

I work with utmost discretion and non-judgement.​ I love that I I receive all different kinds of people: sales managers, lawyers, A.I. engineers, creatives, queer / straight, men, women, non-binary…Everyone has beautiful, spiritual experiences. Actually, one of my clients said it’s similar to how you feel after a sauna visit. I personally love this description as I find it funnily accurate! Everyone always leaves feeling lighter and happy, ready for the world again.

I think the biggest difference to most things on offer currently, is that my work is done with a lot of softness, peace and relaxation. I don’t need heavy breath work, theatrics or cathartic release, just a willingness from you to lay down, relax and let the old flow out of your system to make space for new ways of being. 

Many people talk about space clearing; can you explain what it is and who it is suitable for?

Events and people leave energetic imprints on the land, objects, places and homes. Also the emotions of a person living or working somewhere can ‘tune’ the energy of a space and leave behind energetic residue. When something terrible happens, it leaves lower vibrational energy behind.

This can also attract lower vibrational beings (entities and at worst demons). In case of someone passing away by surprise and they miss the moment to go up into their preferred dimension, or when they’re very attached to earthly life, they become stuck in twilight, so they’re physically no longer alive but believe they are. Often they think of us alive folks intruding into their living space, just like in the movies but less scary.

They’re simply still stuck in their old story and are most often normal earthbound spirits just want to be seen and acknowledged. Heavier entities might be related to black magic or darker events and need an experienced powerful healer (such as my longtime teacher and friend Gulschen Artun) to clear the space. You recognize these energies/beings by feeling suddenly very cold and/or feeling an intense, deadly fear. If you sleep in the space, you’ll most likely have nightmares and feel very uncomfortable. 

You can clear a space with sage (transmutation) or palo santo (love) for the feeling of softness and peace, as smoke is multi-dimensional. Also great are lavender and rosemary. However to me, using smoke is more of just an add on.

Best is also to perform a ritual/ceremony to transmute the lower energies and send beings to the light, so any old energies leave. Rituals are not necessary actually, however they give people something to hold onto and affirm their belief in the healing. I also know people who simply just said ‘this place is mine now’, i.e. making the earthbound spirits aware they are no longer in a body and they can go up into their other dimension.

Personally I usually ask my guides to help me (such as Saint Germain, Azrael, Zadkiel and Michael) and use the tool known as the violet flame, a violet energy/light which is the light of transmutation. I always do a space clearing when at hotels / AirBnBs. You can also visualize healing energy in your home, which I do every day to keep my spaces protected clear and uplifted. 

When a space is cleared you’ll feel happy, peaceful, optimistic and light when entering it.

Everything flows again and any heaviness is lifted. In offices people will work better together and feel more relaxed. I can highly recommend it for work environments as well! 

How has your work changed your own life?

I love this question and am grateful to be able to say my work has improved my own life massively! Nowadays I feel balanced, less emotional and take things less personal. I also judge way less. As mentioned, I used to work in fashion where basically all you do is judge others. You realize judging is a trap that keeps you stuck in duality.

Also desire is a trap. You realize how much energy it costs to judge and to want. Certain thoughts, desires and behaviors keep you trapped in duality, which you start to realize is illusion and it doesn’t do it for you anymore. When your desire for freedom and peace becomes bigger than the other desires you give the other desires up. I definitely also had to work through breaking down my own lower ego defenses and establish a healthy ego, a healthy sense of self that comes from within instead of external messages. Now I know better who I am, I now feel my natural self. To discover who I truly am is an ever unfolding process, as you slowly go back up with your consciousness into unity consciousness. 

In addition, by lifting karmic and energetic blocks my life flows way better, I connect with more pleasant people and feel more at home in the world.

I can be ‘here and there at the same time’. I learned to stop reacting to unpleasant people and direct my energy to people that nurture my soul. Time and time again I noticed how healing and working on my own consciousness changed my awareness and decisions, and with that the course of my life.

Imagine that after a healing session you choose to go left instead of right, and with that run into the love of your life instead of a burglar. This is the result of raising your vibration. I stopped resonating with certain people, foods, experiences, music and places as the vibration or cord got cleared and I didn’t go into resonance with this anymore. 

I’ve been aware for a long time (as a kid I already felt I was in a ‘suit’) and have known I had to clear my karmic load. This has been a very intense and exhausting process but it paid off. My aim is to clear all my attachments so I can go back up in the dimensions of the Light where I come from. I miss the softness, kindness, inclusivity and abundance of the higher dimensions a lot but learned to accept being on earth and in a body. I need to finish what I started eons ago. And while being here I intend to have a fabulous time 😉

When you’re a spirit you cannot enjoy things like eating a juicy piece of fruit, feeling the wind caressing your skin, the smell of jasmine or experiencing beautiful intimacy with your partner. There are so many gifts on this planet.

What healing methods or techniques do you integrate into your daily life?

Like most soft souls I use incense, crystals, essential oils, a wonderful shower and a good laugh as a daily base. However since I perceive way more information than most people, I need to make sure I manage my stimuli around me. Being in a city and an office (colleagues and family are the best form of yoga!) has been proven challenging, so I do my best to go to nature often, as there usually the energy is clear and calming instead of flooded with earthbound spirits, psychic attacks from the lower astral realms and people’s difficult auric fields.

In the morning I’m at least an hour in a healing meditation, then I also make sure to drop down a groundingSelianthe-Ka-Energy-Yoga cord, clear my hologram and feel into the day to set priorities. If I can I also do hatha yoga and/or qigong. In the evening I very often work with this amazing book called The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin. There are amazing techniques in there which are very supportive, clearing and healing and help you connect to the higher dimensions and guides.

I make sure to clear away any energies of the day, clear and seal my home (so no spirits wander in and I can sleep in peace) and set intentions for my dream state. I also often play mantras to uplift and finetune my consciousness when I do dishes, groceries etc. And lastly I use infrared therapy, cryotherapy and breathwork as well to calm my nervous system. 

The key is to constantly balance all dimensions and cultivate your vertical alignment, your alignment with the cosmos and the earth, instead of the horizontal alignment with the chaos and karmic patterns of the human collective. At some point you indeed stop resonating horizontally and the lower energies cannot get to you anymore. This is a natural unfolding process which you cannot force. You then reach this beautiful state of flow and soar above any drama (i.e. go from victim to survivor to creator, this is part of the ascension process). 

To learn more about Selianthe: see her profile.

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